Meet The Pastoral Team

Mr P Mattocks - Assistant Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Firstly, I would like to say that I am really excited to welcome you to Sturminster Newton High School. I know first hand from my own children, moving to Secondary School is a big change for you all but there are so many great things to look forward to, that I am sure you will settle in quickly and enjoy your time with us.  As Assistant Headteacher at the school, I have a range of roles and responsibilities.  Mostly, I oversee the pastoral side of the school. This means, I am in charge of ensuring that we reward students for all their hard work and fantastic attendance, as well as setting and enforcing the rules around positive behaviour and being polite and kind to each other whilst in school. I am also in charge of safeguarding, which means making sure you all feel safe and happy whilst in and out of school.

The staff at this school are simply fantastic. They are incredibly dedicated to helping each and every one of you get the best out of your experience with us. We want you to develop and achieve, both academically and personally and we will all do what we can to make this happen! I look forward to seeing you soon.

Miss G Jenkinson - Year 7 Lead/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Hi I’m Miss Jenkinson, I am really looking forward to welcoming you to Sturminster Newton High School. Moving up to Secondary School is a really exciting time, and I am here to make sure you settle in quickly and happily! Sometimes we can feel all kinds of different emotions about changes and new experiences, you may need a bit of extra support. That is what I am here to help with. As the Year 7 Lead it is my job to make sure your move from Primary School to High School goes really smoothly and you can be confident with the move over to secondary school. I will give you guidance, support and direction, so you can focus on your learning and achieving your very best.


I am really looking forward to getting to know a bit about each of you. Here’s a bit about me, I love Harry Potter! Ask me anything you like about Harry Potter, I will know the answer! I have worked at Sturminster Newton since 2022, and previous to that I worked in another school. Working with young people is an absolute passion of mine.

Mrs S Hoffman - SENCo / Inclusions Manager

Hi, I’m Mrs Hoffmann and I have been a teacher at Sturminster Newton High School for 15 years! I teach English and also work in the SEND department.

I am very  excited at the thought of a new term in school after all this time at home. My own children are even looking forward to going back to school themselves!

The learning support room in Sturminster Newton is a friendly place and lots of students with SEN spend most of their break times and lunchtimes with us, either taking part in activities, eating lunch, getting some extra help with homework or just chatting to the TAs, teachers and other staff that work in the LSR. 

Lots of the students who come to the learning support room, find it is a good place to make friends as well as a place to come to do interventions and get extra support.

We are all looking forward to meeting you in person, but hopefully these little biographies have given you a glimpse into life at Sturminster Newton High School.